Milk and dairy
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Dairy Products: Benefits and Considerations
Importance of Dairy in the Diet
As mentioned previously, dairy products are a crucial source of calcium and protein in a person's diet.
Guidelines for Healthy Consumption
To manage fat intake, consider the following tips:
- Use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk and limit consumption to one pint per day.
- Opt for cottage cheese over hard cream cheeses.
- Use Parmesan cheese sparingly for flavour without excessive fat.
Considerations for Lactose Intolerance and Allergies
It's important to note that some individuals are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products. Proper labelling of dairy-containing foods is necessary to inform consumers:
- Ensure foods containing dairy are clearly labelled.
- Immediate reactions in sensitive individuals can be severe, necessitating careful dietary planning.
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