Food Safety Level 3 (VTQ)

105 videos, 4 hours and 58 minutes

Course Content

Date Marks, Damaged Food and Record Keeping

Video 49 of 105
2 min 9 sec
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Effective Food Safety Practices: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Vigilant Food Monitoring

Reporting and Date Checking:

Always remain vigilant and report any issues that arise. Regularly inspect food items, checking their dates and packaging for quality and safety assurance.

2. Data Management and Traceability

Comprehensive Record-Keeping:

Assign someone responsible for maintaining meticulous records of suppliers, food preparation, storage, and sales data. Establish a robust system for proper rotation and systematic issue documentation to ensure traceability.

3. Adherence to Essential Policies

Ensuring Policy Compliance:

Implement and adhere to well-defined policies covering monitoring, cleaning procedures, past deliveries, employee training, and temperature records. These policies are invaluable, serving as documented evidence of due diligence in legal cases, protecting your company's interests.

4. Understanding Date Requirements

High Risk Goods:

Be aware of the legal obligations concerning "use by" dates for high-risk food items. Selling products beyond this date is prohibited by law. Failing to do so can lead to bacterial growth, potentially causing food poisoning or impacting taste and smell.

Best Before Dates:

"Best before" dates are recommendations, and selling products after this date is legally permissible, provided they remain fit for human consumption. Proper stock monitoring, correct rotation, record-keeping, and clean storage are essential to maintain quality.