Wearing Jewellery in Food Production Areas
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Risks of Jewellery in Food Production
Importance of Jewellery Rules in Food Production
When involved in food production or preparation, specific rules regarding jewellery are essential to maintain food safety.
Risks Associated with Wearing Jewellery
Various types of jewellery pose risks in food production:
- Rings and Watches: Rings and watches can harbour bacteria from under the jewellery, which may contaminate food despite hand washing.
- Engagement Rings and Stones: Stones from jewellery like engagement rings can fall off and enter food, posing a direct contamination risk.
- Sharp Rings: Sharp rings can puncture gloves worn in food preparation, leading to potential contamination.
- Earrings and Piercings: Bacteria from earrings and piercings can transfer to food during handling, especially if not properly cleaned.
- Hair Accessories: Hair bands or jewellery can also contaminate food, necessitating hair tying and the use of hairnets.
Preventive Measures
To minimise the risk of jewellery-related contamination in food:
- Ensure all jewellery that cannot be adequately cleaned is removed before handling food.
- Tie back hair and use hairnets to prevent loose hair from falling into food.
- Follow workplace regulations regarding jewellery to maintain hygiene standards.
- Thoroughly wash hands and remove all jewellery before handling food, ensuring hands are cleaned properly.
Adhering to these guidelines is crucial in preventing contamination and maintaining high standards of food hygiene in any food production environment.
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