Storage and hazards of chemicals near food
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Chemical Safety in Food Areas
Understanding Chemical Risks
Overview: Chemicals pose a risk of food contamination if not handled and stored properly.
Chemicals Found in Kitchens
- Bleach
- Dishwasher cleaner
- Washing up liquid
- Pest control chemicals or bait stations
- Soaps
- Oven cleaner
- Floor cleaners
Precautions to Take
When handling chemicals in food areas, take the following precautions:
- Proper Storage: Store chemicals in correctly labelled containers and keep them away from food storage and preparation areas.
- Avoid Contamination: Ensure chemicals are not stored in empty food containers to prevent accidental ingestion.
- Use of PPE: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment when handling chemicals.
- Correct Disposal: Dispose of chemicals and cleaning equipment properly.
- Follow Instructions: Adhere to the manufacturer's instructions for using chemicals.
- Separate Transport: Transport cleaning chemicals separately from food.
- Secure Storage: Keep chemical storage areas locked.
- Prevent Mixing: Ensure pest control products do not mix near food.
Risks and Hazards
The risks associated with chemicals in food areas include:
- Contamination of foods
- Tainting of foods by fumes and smells
- Dangers to staff working with or near chemicals
- Accidental mixing of chemicals leading to harmful substances or fumes
- Hazards from dust or spray mist during chemical use
- Contamination from cleaning materials
Reducing Risks
To mitigate risks and hazards, follow these guidelines:
- Proper Training: Ensure staff receive correct training and supervision.
- Alert Supervisors: Report suspected chemical contamination to a supervisor and halt food production if necessary.
- Approved Suppliers: Purchase food and supplies from approved suppliers.
- Safe Handling: Cover or store food away during cleaning activities.
- Correct Labelling: Label chemicals appropriately and avoid using food containers for chemical storage.
- Food Grade Containers: Use only food grade storage containers.
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