Egg precautions
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Handling Eggs Safely: Storage, Usage, and Considerations for Babies
Choosing Eggs
Look for the British Lion mark on eggs to ensure they are from vaccinated hens:
- British Lion Mark: Indicates eggs are from hens vaccinated against salmonella.
- Best Before Date: Check for a date stamp, though not legally required, all British Lion eggs are date stamped.
Storage Tips
Proper storage ensures egg freshness and safety:
- Use By Date: Use eggs by the best before date.
- Storage Conditions: Keep eggs in a cool, dry place, ideally in the fridge and in the egg tray.
- Avoid Strong Odours: Store eggs away from strong-smelling foods, raw meat, and ready-to-eat foods.
Handling Eggs
Follow safe handling practices for eggs:
- Hygiene: Wash hands before and after handling eggs.
- Avoid Damaged Eggs: Never use eggs with cracked or damaged shells.
- Refrigerate Dishes: Refrigerate dishes containing eggs and consume them promptly after preparation.
Using Pasteurised Eggs
Consider pasteurised eggs for uncooked or lightly cooked dishes:
- Examples: Homemade mayonnaise, mousse, hollandaise sauce.
- Do Not Re-use: Do not re-use leftover egg dishes.
Eggs and Babies
Special considerations when introducing eggs to babies:
- Food Allergies: Egg allergy affects 0.5-2.5% of children.
- Weaning: Start with a small amount of well-cooked egg and monitor for reactions.
- Gradual Introduction: Increase egg amounts if no allergic reactions occur.
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