Serving in bars and restaurants
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Guidelines for Restaurant Servers
Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness
It's crucial for restaurant servers to maintain high standards of personal hygiene and cleanliness:
- Uniform and Appearance: Ensure you have the correct uniform that is clean and presentable. Tie back hair securely, adhering to legal requirements.
- Hand Hygiene: Keep hands away from food, especially if handling it directly. Cover cuts or skin conditions properly.
- Coughing and Sneezing: Avoid coughing or sneezing over food. Ensure knives, forks, and glasses are clean.
Safety and Service
When serving food and beverages, prioritize safety and careful handling:
- Moving Around: Be cautious to avoid tripping or knocking into others, especially when carrying hot food.
- Spills and Clean-Up: Immediately clean and fully dry any spills of food or drink. Use warning signs for wet floors to prevent slips.
- Handling Food: Avoid touching food with fingers while carrying plates. Be aware of special dietary needs to prevent cross-contamination.
Table Management
Ensure tables are properly maintained to prevent bacterial transfer:
- Clean Tables: Keep tables clean using fresh tablecloths, napkins, and cutlery to maintain hygiene standards.
- Allergen Awareness: Be cautious not to mix or contaminate foods that could trigger allergic reactions in customers.
Following these guidelines ensures that restaurant servers maintain cleanliness, adhere to safety protocols, and provide a pleasant dining experience for customers.
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