Guidance in Controlling E.coli 0157
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Controlling Bacterial Contamination in Food
Understanding Bacterial Contamination
Bacteria like E. coli O157 are microscopic and can easily contaminate food without being noticed:
- Symptoms: Watery diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pain; can be severe and even fatal.
- Spread: Can spread through food or person-to-person contact.
Importance of Food Hygiene
Proper food hygiene is crucial to prevent bacterial contamination and protect customers:
- Guidance developed after serious outbreaks to control E. coli O157.
- Measures also effective against other bacteria like Campylobacter and Salmonella.
Key Measures to Control Bacterial Contamination
- Separate Work Areas: Designate separate areas, surfaces, and equipment for raw and ready-to-eat foods.
- Chopping Boards and Utensils: Use separate or heat-disinfected equipment to prevent cross-contamination.
- Storage Separation: Ensure proper separation to protect ready-to-eat foods.
- Temperature Control: Keep food below 5°C or above 63°C to inhibit bacterial growth.
- Use of Disinfectants: Use only approved disinfectants as per manufacturer instructions.
- Immediate Action: Stop work and clean/disinfect if contamination risk is identified; do not supply potentially contaminated food.
For detailed guidance, refer to the Food Standards Agency's document.
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