Food Safety and Hygiene Supervision Level 3 (VTQ)

146 videos, 6 hours and 48 minutes

Course Content

Introduction Food Poisoning and Foodbourne Diseases

Video 22 of 146
1 min 29 sec
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Understanding Food Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

**Food poisoning**, or **foodborne illness**, results from consuming **contaminated food or beverages**. Contaminants may include **bacteria, viruses, parasites,** or toxins they produce. Common culprits are:

  • **Salmonella**
  • **E. coli**
  • **Norovirus**

These pathogens can cause a range of symptoms, from mild stomach discomfort to severe dehydration and other serious health issues.

Symptoms of Food Poisoning

Symptoms of food poisoning can vary widely but commonly include:

  • **Nausea**
  • **Vomiting**
  • **Diarrhoea**
  • **Abdominal pain**
  • **Fever**

These symptoms can appear within a few hours to several days after consuming contaminated food, depending on the type of pathogen involved.

Common Causes of Food Poisoning

1. Improper Handling

Failing to wash **hands, utensils,** or **surfaces** properly can spread harmful bacteria, leading to contamination.

2. Cross-Contamination

Mixing **raw and cooked foods** can transfer bacteria from uncooked to ready-to-eat food, increasing the risk of foodborne illness.

3. Inadequate Cooking

Not cooking food to the correct temperature can allow **bacteria to survive**, making the food unsafe to eat.

4. Poor Storage Practices

Leaving food out too long or failing to refrigerate it properly provides an environment where **bacteria can multiply**, increasing the risk of illness.

Preventing Food Poisoning in Food Businesses

Food businesses implement various measures to protect customers from food poisoning, which we will cover in this course. Following **proper food safety protocols** is essential to reduce risks and maintain a safe dining environment for everyone.