Food intolerance
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Food Allergies vs. Food Intolerance - Understanding the Differences
While food allergies and food intolerance differ in severity, effective control measures are essential in food production:
Food Allergies
Food allergies involve an immune system response to specific foods:
- Immune System Reaction: Allergies can trigger severe reactions and require strict avoidance.
- Symptoms: Immediate physical symptoms like swelling, hives, or anaphylaxis.
- Prevalence: Affect a smaller percentage of the population but can be life-threatening.
Food Intolerance
Food intolerance refers to difficulty in digesting certain foods:
- Digestive Issues: Symptoms include bloating and abdominal pain, usually occurring several hours after ingestion.
- Cause: Due to enzyme or chemical deficiencies rather than an immune response.
- Prevalence: More people report intolerance, but true prevalence is uncertain due to self-diagnosis.
Management and Control
Both conditions require strict management practices in food production:
- Control Measures: Stringent protocols to avoid cross-contamination and ensure accurate labelling.
- Educational Awareness: Educating consumers and food handlers about the differences and precautions.
Understanding the distinctions between food allergies and intolerance is crucial for effective management and ensuring food safety.
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