Facts about food allergies
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Understanding Food Allergies
Prevalence of Food Allergies
Food allergies affect millions worldwide, with approximately 220 to 250 million people affected globally.
- Children and Adults Affected: About 5% to 8% of children and 1% to 2% of adults have food allergies.
- Development and Persistence: Allergies can develop at any time, persist from birth, and individuals may experience multiple allergies.
- Common Allergens: Globally, the most prevalent allergies include egg, milk, peanuts, and molluscs.
Regional Variations
Food allergy prevalence varies by region:
- Country-Specific Allergies: Certain allergies are more common in specific countries, such as celery in Germany, mustard in France, and mangoes in Mexico.
Impact and Awareness
Increased global awareness and exposure to diverse foods contribute to the rising challenge of managing food allergies:
- Historical Perspective: Food allergies were less known before the 1960s due to limited understanding.
- Susceptibility: Some individuals are more prone to severe allergic reactions even with minimal exposure to allergens.
Understanding the prevalence, development, and regional variations of food allergies is crucial for effective management and prevention of allergic reactions worldwide.
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