Food Safety Level 3 (VTQ)

105 videos, 4 hours and 58 minutes

Course Content

Diets for people with dementia

Video 88 of 105
2 min 46 sec

Meal Planning for Dementia Patients

Challenges with Dementia

Dementia affects an increasing number of individuals, presenting challenges in meal planning and serving:

  • Coordination difficulties and trouble using cutlery make mealtimes challenging.
  • Weight loss is common due to factors such as lack of recognition of hunger, appetite loss, and fatigue.
  • Easily distracted individuals may quickly lose interest in food and forget whether they have eaten.

Strategies for Meal Provision

To address these challenges, consider the following strategies:

  • Provide easily eaten foods such as pre-peeled fruits like bananas.
  • Offer adapted cutlery or cut meals into small portions for easier consumption.
  • Consider buffet-style options that can be eaten by hand.
  • Assist with eating when necessary to ensure an adequate intake.

Meal Planning Tips

When planning meals:

  • Ensure adequate quantity with the right nutritional values to prevent weight loss.
  • Make meals visually and aromatically appealing.
  • Offer smaller portions of preferred foods.
  • Encourage hydration by having easily accessible drinks.
  • Create a relaxed atmosphere during mealtimes.
  • Allow flexibility in meal choices and pacing.

Seeking Guidance

Seek advice on diet and nutrition for dementia patients from various charities or health professionals:

  • Consult with charities or health workers for tailored guidance.
  • Remember, even the most nutritionally perfect meal plan is ineffective if the individual cannot physically consume it.