Food Safety and Hygiene Supervision Level 3 (VTQ)
Course Content
- Introduction to Food Safety Level 3
- Food Safety Laws and Regulations
- Bacteriology and Food Poisoning
- Introduction Food Poisoning and Foodbourne Diseases
- Understanding Foodborne Illnesses
- High risk groups of people for food safety
- Poisons and Food Poisoning
- Food Poisoning - Signs and Symptoms
- Food Poisoning and allergic reactions
- Introduction to Microbiology
- Bacteria and Their Effects
- How we Control Bacteria Growth
- Guidance in Controlling E.coli 0157
- Types of Infections
- Storage and hazards of chemicals near food
- Natural Plant Foods and Allergies
- Listeria and keeping food safe
- Campylobacter
- Sources of Food Poisoning
- Non bacterial Food Poisoning
- Destruction of Bacteria in Food
- Food Contamination
- Introduction to Contamination Hazards in Food Safety
- Cross-contamination direct and indirect
- Example of indirect cross contamination
- Preventing cross-contamination
- Chemicals and Foreign Objects
- Wearing Jewellery in Food Production Areas
- Effective cleaning
- Cleaning Schedules
- Types of cleaning and chemicals
- In-House and Contract Cleaners
- Chopping Board Colours
- Introduction to Food Safety Pest Management
- Pest Control
- Fly control
- Rules on food waste, including waste cooking oil
- Storing Hot Food
- Serving in bars and restaurants
- Restaurant Workers
- Signs of Food Spoilage
- Physical Contamination
- Causative Agents
- Controlling food pests
- Essential Pest Control Measures for Food Supervisors
- Personal Hygiene
- Personal Hygiene in Food Safety
- Cleaning your hands effectively
- Waterless hand gels
- Protective clothing in food production
- First aid kits for food preparation
- Personal responsibilities at work
- Personal illness and exclusion from work
- Personal illness, employee's responsibilities
- Food area PPE
- Using a Nailbrush
- Accidents and First Aid
- Food Premises
- Food Storage and Preservation
- Food area requirements
- Rules on keeping your water supply safe
- Date Marks, Damaged Food and Record Keeping
- Heating, refrigeration and freezing
- Refrigeration and Freezing
- Dietary requirements
- Gluten free foods and Coeliac Disease
- Egg precautions
- Use by and best before dates for effective stock control
- Defrosting
- Stock Control
- Food Safety Monitoring
- Water and Water Supplies
- Waste Handling
- Cleaning, Disinfection and Workplace Controls
- Food Safety Supervision Management
- Enforcement and Visits
- Diet, Nutrition and Hydration introduction
- Macronutrients
- Micronutrients
- Fluids
- Nutrition and Malnutrition
- Food Groups
- Different Diets
- Food Labelling
- Food Allergies
- Food Allergies and Labelling
- Allergen Controls
- Summary
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Now we are going to have a little example on the problems with cross contamination and how easy it is for you to spread a potential infection or pathogen across to somebody else. What I have done here is I have just handled a product with some ultraviolet dye on, so it would be just like you working in a kitchen, maybe, or maybe you have just been working in cleaning chemicals and there is something on you. So here it is not massively dirty, but what we have got is some dirt on my hands. What I am going to do is to go away, I am going to wash my hands, just as often as you would, because often when people wash their hands, they just literally just rub them over. They do not wash them thoroughly. Now, there are other videos where you can see how to wash your hands correctly, but the idea here is because this is an ultraviolet agent, you will be able to hold the light up, you will see the areas where just normal hand washing just does not clean. What we then can do is see how easy it is to then cross-contaminate something, even once you have washed your hands. If we just look at how contaminated my hands are, take in the UV light, if we just run it down, you will see where the contaminant is, it starts to glow. So you can see within the cracks of my fingers, within my fingerprints, it is there, if you turn my hand over you can see it going up my wrist, there is some specks of dust there, in between the fingers as well and the fingernails. This can be more of a problem with maybe if you are wearing a watch, when you are wearing a watch, you can maybe get the dirt underneath it, which is why you should take your watches and jewellery off. So there is quite a lot of contaminant on there. So now when we wash the hands, we will see how much of that we actually remove. So I have now washed my hands. I have just done a normal wash, dried them with a hot air dryer and I also wiped them with a towel, even. So what we have got here, if you look at my hands now, they look clean. There is no powder on them, so that they are nice and clean, but when we take the UV light and then we bring the UV light down over the hand, you can see it is starting to make it glow. You see how much is still on the backs of my fingers, in between my fingers and particularly around the nail beds. When we looked before we saw it coming up my thumb and what has happened is whereas it was just a few dots before, that has now expanded into quite a lot, because the actual contaminant has been spread over my hand. Looking at the palm of my hand, you can see how much of that is still there. And this was just a normal hand wash that you would do, not just a very, a weak one, just a fairly good hand wash, but it is because it has not been done correctly. So does that really matter? Well, yes, it does matter. Now, you approach someone, you think this person is clean. If I am going to be touching some food or I am touching somebody else, then I can potentially infect them. Example can be telephones. So hands now looks clean, pick up the telephone, put the telephone down. You cannot see anything on it. If we then take the UV light over it, as we bring it down, you will start to see and you can see where my hand has been, you will see that starting to glow. Just me picking that up once, this was completely clean before and now we have got a lot of the contaminant on it. So what would then happen if we got somebody else to then pick this up, they would then get that onto their hands. So they pick up the telephone, put the telephone down and then maybe they then put their hands to their mouths, touch a cut, eat, things like this, then the risk of getting this cross-contamination is very, very great. Now, this is just an example using UV, but this is a real problem. You have got to make sure you keep your hands clean. You have got to make sure if you are in a kitchen environment, you have to keep them clean between touching the likes of fresh meats to cheese or any other group and wash your hands correctly. If you are working in other environments, you need to make sure that your hands are completely clean and you wash them correctly. Need more advice? Watch the video on how to clean your hands, but you need to spend some time doing it. It takes at least two or three minutes to properly wash your hands.
Understanding Cross Contamination and Effective Hand Washing
This guide demonstrates the importance of proper hand washing in preventing cross-contamination, using an ultraviolet dye experiment as an example.
The Risk of Cross Contamination
How easy it is to spread infections:
- Handling products or working in environments like kitchens can lead to contamination on hands.
- Even seemingly clean hands can carry contaminants.
Demonstration Using Ultraviolet Dye
Visualising the problem:
- Ultraviolet dye used to simulate contaminants on hands.
- UV light reveals contaminants not removed by regular hand washing.
Observations Post Hand Washing
Understanding the effectiveness of hand washing:
- Even after washing, contaminants remain, especially around nails and wrists.
- Importance of removing accessories like watches to ensure thorough cleaning.
Implications of Inadequate Hand Washing
Consequences of not washing hands properly:
- Potential spread of contaminants to objects like telephones.
- Subsequent transfer to others who touch the same objects.
Advice for Proper Hand Washing
Effective hand washing techniques:
- Watch instructional videos for correct hand washing methods.
- Spend at least two to three minutes for thorough hand cleaning.
Proper hand washing is crucial in all environments, particularly in food handling and healthcare, to prevent the spread of infections.
- IPOSi Unit one LO2.1, 2.2 & 2.3